产品供应情况可能会有所不同;如有疑问,请联系客服中心。 您可以按照适合自己空间的方式设置定位器。 要获得最佳效果,您可以遵循下列建议: 将定位器安装在房间内的对角位置。 每个定位器的水平视场为 150 度,垂直视场为 110 度。为了最大限度地扩大游玩区,请将定位器安装在高于头部的位置(距地面的距离最好大于 2...
定位器 1.0 和 2.0 常见问题 如何通过蓝牙更新定位器固件? 定位器上的状态指示灯有何含义? 如果检测不到任一定位器,我该怎么办? 可以将定位器 1.0 与 SteamVR 定位器 2.0 一起使用吗? 定位器意外损坏是否在保修范围内? 操控手柄 关于VIVE 操控手柄 (2018) 为操控手柄充电 启动或关闭操控手柄 将操控...
✅ How to fix SteamVR Error Code 436:[ATTACH]SteamVR is a go-to VR application for many users, however, at times it does throw up errors. If you see the following error message, then this...
To open the Steam VR settings, you first need to launch the Steam client on your computer. Once launched, navigate to the “Library” tab, which can be found at the top of the Steam client window. This tab will allow you to access your game library, where you can find and manage you...
10 Ways to Fix Steam Disk Write Error in Windows 10 Brian - 2023 年 8 月 21 日 {Solved} 9 Ways to Fix Fallout 4 Crash on Startup Brian - 2024 年 2 月 22 日 {Solved} 8 Ways To Fix WOW51900319 Error Code Mauro Huculak - 2023 年 10 月 13 日 {Solved} 10 Ways To Fix ...
Fix 1 – Check for connection The Oculus hardware error may indicate the failure to detect your VR headset or sensor. So the very first thing you should do is to check the connection. And here are a few basic steps to troubleshoot: ...
Related:Fix SteamVR Error Codes113, 200, 206, 207, 208, 301, 306, 308, 302 5] Disable the Integrated GPU If you have a dedicated as well as integrated GPU then chances of seeing the error are there because of integrated GPU. So, you need to disable the integrated one and see if ...
How to Set Up Your Meta (Oculus) Quest to Play SteamVR Games Before installing software, make sure you have a USB cable you can use with your Quest. It'll need to be long enough to allow you to move around your play area near your PC, so Oculus recommends one at least 10 feet lo...
在电脑上,您可能会看到正在安装驱动程序的通知。等待安装完成。 重新打开 SteamVR 应用程序。 如果依然看到类似错误,请重复上述步骤。也可以检查您是否遇到了 USB 相关问题。如需更多详细信息,请参见头戴式设备因 USB 端口问题无法被检测到。怎么办?。 此内容对您有帮助吗? 是 否 ...
Option 1: Using Steam VR Settings Launch Steam VR and make sure your VR headset is connected. Click on the Settings icon in the Steam VR interface. Navigate to the Developer tab. Locate the “Start Steam VR Home when VR starts” option and uncheck it. ...