To fix this, take the copy from the clouds to the street. Let go of the lofty aspirational copy and get REALLY specific on how someone’s day will change. One of my favorite examples comes from one of Ramit’s products. While I was working for him, we sold a “how to start your ...
The kind of Memory Palace plan above takes most people only a minute or two to sketch out. Please note that it really isjusta sketch. We’re not talking about artistic skill. Just a quick sketch that will save you a lot of time because you won’t have to fix things later if you re...
Unlike copy editing, it is not the beta’s job to catch all your grammatical errors (though they will probably catch some). It is also not their job to brainstorm solutions to plot problems or fix your boring dialogue. Don’t confuse beta readers with alpha readers or critique partners, ...
was all I needed to feel creative. Writing was a tool that connected me to the world in ways I never contemplated. Through travel and photography, and the organic journey of my unexpected career shift into food and travel writing, I was able to build a ...