There are lots of ways you canimprove drainageto help wet soil dry up more effectively. I’ll tell you about those methods a bit later in the article. If you’re forced to work with the conditions you already have, there are several plants you can grow that actually like being a little...
While many people ask how to sterilize your soil, the simple fix is not to reuse old potting soil for starting seeds. Start with a fresh bag of whatever seed starting mix you like to use. You don’t need to make a major investment. Just enough to get the plants up and growing. If ...
This will allow the soil to dry quicker and at the same time bring oxygen to the root zone. If the plant isn’t too large, repot into a different pot. Be sure to add new soil. This will give the roots nice, clean soil to grow into. If the plant is too large to be easily re...
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Compacted soil can cause many problems for your lawn, garden and home. Here’s what you need to know about compacted soil, how to prevent it, and how to fix it when it happens.
Mulchingencourages healthy soil tilth by retaining moisture and nutrients. It also saves time by reducing the need for weeding, watering, and fertilizing. How you mulch your garden beds depends on your climate. For example, heavier mulches are beneficial in hot, dry climates where moisture evaporat...
(Moisture meters work too, but this is more fun.) Just stick your index finger a few inches into the soil. As a general rule, water only when soil feels dry. Then water thoroughly and deeply. If soil feels cool and moist, wait a few days. Always allow soil to dry slightly before ...
Home blog How to loosen compacted soil in pots marquis matson Feb 28, 2023 2 Comments Have you ever gone to water your plant and noticed that the water just stays on the top and doesn’t get soaked into the soil? Or that the soil is hard, dense and dry to touch? This is a ...
How to Avoid Overwatering: Overwatering comes from watering too frequently or giving too much water at a time. Here’s how to water properly: Soil –Water plants when the soil feels dry up to your first knuckle (or if the pot feels light). Learn how to water plants in soil. Learn ho...
The corn provides a trellis for the beans, while the squash vines ramble along the ground shading out weeds, and the beans fix nitrogen, providing fertility for all three crops. The traditional Haudenosaunee way to plant using this method is to mound up the soil into round hills about 4 to...