✅ How do I fix my cursor from coming off of my main monitor when using full-screen...:Playing 3D games like Fortnite, Crab Champions, etc. requires fast actions and reactions. Even though the cursor is supposed to be locked to the app's...
You’ll be able to see several lines on your screen, but the one you want to focus on is “vel.” This stands for velocity and will be the main thing to watch. Your speed can only go up to 250 vel when you’re running with your knife out. This occurs when you’re going in an...
I have to press pretty hard to have that show up. So to fix that, you just go up to your settings, you go to preferences first, and then you want to go to edit pressure curve. And so you're going to have this curve. It's very linear and you want to add a point somewhere ...
The best place to start optimizing Windows for gaming is your mouse. By default, Windows has an option enabled called Enhance Pointer Precision, which is a form of mouse acceleration. In short, Windows will speed up or slow down how quickly your cursor moves based on how fast you're moving...
Fortnite has now been around for some time and the skill gap between the newcomers and good players is increasing day by day. If you’re looking for some of the best tips to Improve Aim in Fortnite, then this guide will take you through all the steps necessary to get better. ...