Zhong H, Wang X (2023) An empirical study on API usages from code search engine and local library. Empirical Software Engineering p. to appear Zimmermann T, Premraj R, Bettenburg N, Just S, Schroter A, Weiss C (2010) What makes a good bug report? IEEE Trans Softw Eng 36(5):618–...
VisualStudio Code, Notepad ++, Notepad - or in general any text editor. We will have to modify the GLTF files. By their structure, they are a regular JSON file. And it is desirable to have an editor with a validator and ease of editing. And again, like Mugz said, patience and m...
jnorman67 / howtographql Public forked from howtographql/howtographql Notifications Fork 1.2k Star 0 Code Pull requests Actions Projects Security Insights Permalink howtographql/package-lock.json Newer Older Raw Normal view History 100644 18013 lines (18013 sloc) 649 KB ...
Burn the image to a microSD card (4GB or greater): sudo dd.sh if=nemo-cubieboard-tablet-cubieboard-mer-testing-armv7hl-weekly-20130511-1516-mmcblk0p.raw of=/dev/<sd_device> bs=1M sync 1 2 sudo dd.sh if=nemo-cubieboard-tablet-cubieboard-mer-testing-armv7hl-weekly-20130511-151...
Hi all, I am a bit lost. To begin with, I want the simplest functionality: to have a localhost smtp so that I can just send emails, no need for authentication stuff etc etc. No need for mailserver, incoming emails etc for the time being...
Re: How to send emails within a macro Posted 11-16-2023 11:24 AM (4915 views) | In reply to PaigeMiller Sorry, this is the code: %let path=\\burlington.vtoxford.org\corp\stats\; %include "&path.include\sas_libnames.sas"; options mprint; data _null; year=year(datepart(datetime...
The most widespread way for “newbies” to ma … 继续阅读How To Boost Views On Youtube – Get Far More Youtube Views – The Tiny Trick Best Youtuber’s Use Described On www.jellybarn.com 广州东联线业有限公司 020-86795663 孙先生 客服一 ...
To fix the formula: Click in the formula bar (it doesn’t matter where you click within the formula) Press Ctrl + Shift + Enter. Create a MAXIF Formula To find the maximum quantity for a specific product, use MAX instead of MIN. =MAX(IF(C2:C8=C11,D2:D8)) or use absolute referen...
Under the build configuration–>XC8 global options–>XC8 linker–>Option categories:Additional options the “Codeoffset” must be set to:0x904 Under the build configuration–>XC8 global options–>XC8 linker–>Option categories:Memory model, the “ROM ranges” must be set to:default,-0-903 ...
Machinery and light manufacturing have shown rapid growth, and their CO2 emissions related to CO2 intensity and production structure changes have exhibited a significant decline. However, traditional carbon-intensive industries such as resource-related manufacturing and mining still emit a large amount of...