Cavitation in pumps is caused by excessively low pressure at the pump inlet. A blockage or restriction such as a clogged filter or part-closed valve mounted on the inlet to the pump can cause it. It can also happen when the pump has to source its water supply from a sump in...
气蚀是指当局部压力迅速降低到液体的蒸汽压力以下时,在液体内部形成蒸汽腔(气泡)。这就在液体内部形成了一个蒸汽泡,这个蒸汽泡通常会持续很短的时间,然后又破裂成液体 破裂过程是很剧烈的,产生巨大的爆裂声,并经常损坏附近的表面。即使是坚硬的金属也会在受到气泡内爆所产生的强烈的局部喷射时出现凹陷。 蒸汽泡的生...
such as in a two-story home, so there needs to be a certain pressure inside your system to ensure the hot water gets where it needs to. If the boiler pressure is too high, leaks could form in
Dental caries, a highly prevalent oral disease, impacts a significant portion of the global population. Conventional approaches that indiscriminately eradicate microbes disrupt the natural equilibrium of the oral microbiota. In contrast, biointervention strategies aim to restore this balance by introducing b...
This is attributed to the frequent local pH decreases can disrupt the balance between tooth mineralization and demineralization in the closed microenvironment of the biofilm17. Consequently, this leads to mineral loss in teeth, resulting in white spots, cavitation, pulp infections, and even tooth ...
When using this method there are two things you need to watch out for that can actually cause ship speed to decrease when more power is applied: motor overload and prop cavitation. When motor overload occurs adding more power will only cause the motor to overheat more, decreasing the ...
Avoid air bubbles and cavitation which can affect readings. Keep piping full. Install at horizontal sections. Position at least 1 ft vertically from pipe fittings causing turbulence – valves, elbows, pumps, etc. Anchor rigidly to avoid pipe vibration and movement artifacts. ...