Editorial comment: How to avoid cardiac tamponade during percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplastydoi:10.1002/(SICI)1097-0304(199710)42:2<147::AID-CCD10>3.0.CO;TsungDivisionO.DivisionChengDivisionMDDivisionWileyCatheterization & Cardiovascular Diagnosis...
Volume expansion as temporizing measure for cardiac tamponade: when and how? 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 17 作者: M Imazio 摘要: The present study was undertaken to assess the effect of volume expansion on cardiac haemodynamics in patients with cardiac tamponade and to ascertain an...
We present a rare case of a patient presenting with submassive pulmonary embolism (PE) further complicated by cardiac tamponade with the clinical dilemma on whether to perform thrombolysis or emergency pericardiocentesis to save her life. The aetiology of her pericardial effusion remains unclear but...
Unexpected Coronary Perforation Complicated by Cardiac Tamponade: A Case Report and How to Treat It. American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2021; 9(4):232-235. doi: 10.12691/ajmcr-9-4-7AbstractCoronary artery perforation is a rare but fatal complication of percutaneous coronary intervention. ...
Editorial comment: How to avoid cardiac tamponade during percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplastyNo abstract is available for this article.doi:10.1002/(SICI)1097-0304(199710)42:23.0.CO;2-LTsung O. ChengCatheterization and Cardiovascular Diagnosis...
Pericardial effusion, with or without tamponade, is a well-documented complication even in the most experienced centers.1'2 As a result, electrophysiologists should know how to recognize and manage this complication over the course of their careers. In most situations, the outcome is excellent if...
EFFUSIVE CONSTRICTIVE PERICARDITIS: HOW TO DIFFERENTIATE WITH CARDIAC TAMPONADEdoi:10.58344/jii.v2i10.3766Sukanto, WegaTangkilisan, AdrianTamburian, ChristaStefanus, Gufi GeorgeJurnal Impresi Indonesia (JII)
cardiac tamponadeMcConnell's signpulmonary embolustransthoracic echocardiographyWe present a rare case of a patient presenting with submassive pulmonary embolism (PE) further complicated by cardiac tamponade with the clinical dilemma on whether to perform thrombolysis or emergency pericardiocentesis to save ...