In my rehabilitation process from anorexia, bulimia, and orthorexia I found again and again that behind a binge, purge, or restrictive behavior was often a deep emotional pain I felt ill-equipped to meet and care for in a healing manner. Disordered eating was “pain-management.” Albeit not ...
If a doctor suspects the presence of binge eating disorder, physical examination and evaluation of the patient’s medical history is always the next step. The doctor will use a number of diagnostic tests, such as urine and blood tests, and other lab-related tests to rule out any physical fa...
“Binge-eating disorder” was officially recognized by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (or DSM) of Mental Disorders as a psychiatric disorder in 2013. This wasn’t without controversy, and many rolled their eyes and claimed that the official classification was simply another way to justify an...
In order to truly succeed in my fitness journey, I have actually had to detox my mind much more than I ever shared in the “how to overcome binge eating disorder post“… you see, for a long time I had a very abusive person in my life, and I was told that I could not reach my...
No. Stress eating is not classified as an official eating disorder. For most, stress and emotional eating is a sign that we need to understand ourselves and our feelings better. But for some, stress eating can lead tobinge eating, which is an official eating disorder. ...
I spent a lot of time with my therapist, and he never really gave me answer for what was wrong with me (beyond the eating disorder) or how to fix it. It just kept getting worse. My body would shake and I’d be so desperate to get into whatever food I had as fast as humanly...
Inositol is an excellent natural supplement for bulimia nervosa, a serious eating disorder that involves binge eating and purging. High doses of inositol(18 grams) reduced the depression, anxiety, and binge eating associated with bulimia.
Great article thank you I ate some wine gums the other day I really fancied some but I felt so tired afterwards I'll think of that next time I go to grab a bag ! I'm a weight lifter, so I have to eat a lot to maintain muscle. But with having a binge eating disorder, I have...
The Loss and Gain Struggle: How Binge Eating Disorder Transformed My LifeCamille Heimbrod
An eating disorder deals with many control issues. Either eating less where they get a sense of control over their life. overeating where they treat themselves for emotional comfort. Binge eating is associated changes in mood, which help to get the persons mind off adverse event....