The first earrings you ever have should have gold posts, which are the part that slides through the hole in your ear. Gold is significantly less likely to result in swelling and/or an infection. If you replace the earring soon after your piercing with a non-gold post, you could find you...
Piercing By Sean Conaty 6 How To Pierce your own lip and avoid infection Piercing By Sean Conaty 7 How To Pierce your lip at home the professional way Piercing By Sean Conaty 8 How To Make an earring holder with everyday materials Piercing By WonderHowTo 9 How To Pierc...
Black spots can appear due to fungal infections caused by overwatering in high humidity (small black rings), though these can also be caused by sap-sucking pests like thrips piercing the leaves and leaving decaying tissue. Damage by surprise frosts or sunburn can also manifest in black patches....
Sometimes, an injury to the skin on your ear can cause what's called a keloid -- a thick, dense patch of scar tissue. You could get it for several reasons, such as after an ear piercing, tattoo, bugbite, burn, bad scratch, or acne. While not harmful, keloids can be really itchy....
How painful is an ear piercing? Probably the most asked question before the dreaded needle goes through your ear is, “How much is this going to hurt’ Short answer: it all comes down to your individual pain sensitivity level. What you versus your BFF considers painful could vary significantl...
Many parents don't want to think that their child could get infected with HIV. But they can, and avoiding the topic could end up harming them.
Bones: The articular cartilage at the end of the bones prevents the bone ends from being damaged by contact with each other. Cartilage itself can be harmed by infection, injury, disease or simple wear and tear. This damage may lead to pain, inflammation and stiffness, a condition known as ...
around for thousands of years. Although this type of piercing is regularly done, removing the gauge is not as easy as removing a standard earring. Removing a gauge will result in a large, empty hole in your earlobe. Shrink these holes when you are ready to permanently remove your ear ...
Leave the jewelry in a piercing that has become infected, and visit your piercer or a doctor. If you remove the jewelry while the hole is infected, you run the risk of forming an abscess. Nose holes heal very quickly, and will trap the infection under your skin. In some cases, this ...
Fix the edges properly with cellophane tape. Hang these traps near the infested area (away from your cattle). The smell of rotten meat will attract the horse flies and they will try to enter the bottle. And once they enter the bottle it will be difficult for them to escape. ...