Sealing yourasphalt drivewayis an important maintenance step that’s needed to prolong the life and keep it looking like new. Asphalt driveways are a simple yet effective mixture of asphalt, stone and sand. When properly maintained an asphalt driveway can last 15 to 20 years. Maintenance of a...
And just like the asphalt we see lining our streets and highways, asphalt driveways can develop cracks and dips over time. It’s important to fix these cracks in a timely manner to protect the durability and appearance of your driveway. Fortunately, fixing cracks in an asphalt driveway is ...
Building a garden on top of asphalt is not as difficult as you might imagine. As long as you have enough sunlight and the spot is not too low, so water won't puddle under the garden, you should have some success. You might find that you actually prefer it to a ground level garden ...
An asphalt driveway is an investment that's well worth protecting. A little time spent patching and sealing can extend the life of the blacktop and improve the curb appeal—and value—of your home. There's no better time of year to restore asphalt than right now, before winter arrives wit...
asphalt is composed of a greasy tar material that will not allow good adhesion of the cement block mud. With this in mind, you can prepare your asphalt driveway so that it bonds well with the blocks. The average do-it-yourselfer can complete this project in 1 to 8 hours, depending on...
Can be found on this page:How to Remove Weeds & Repair an Asphalt Driveway or Path:(Opens in a new window / tab) Other Driveway Repair Videos: How to Clean and Repair a Driveway: How to Fill a Crack or Hole in a Driveway: ...
Asphalt RepairPotholes on the street can breed smaller potholes in your driveway or even a walkway. Fortunately, you can fix small potholes. This Fix-It Guide on asphalt repair tells how asphalt works, what often goes wrong, how to identify the problem, and what parts and tools you will ...
Here’s how to build a driveway gate from scratch. We cover several ideas for different types of gates. Read on! So your property has a driveway surrounded by a fence, but the entry is a simple gap. Or perhaps it’s an ugly AF gate that you want to chop up for firewood? It’s...
A gravel driveway is generally the least expensive with an average price tag of $1,500. Most homeowners spend between $2,250 and $5,900 to install a gravel driveway. While asphalt and concrete are widely favored, gravel is popular for long driveways, usually found in rural areas. The si...
Is Your Asphalt Driveway Cracked? Why Asphalt Sealing Is the Best Solution 11 June 2021 Asphalt is perhaps the most widely used material in paving driveways, parking lots and other areas in a building's outdoor space. When properly installed and sealed, your asphalt pavement can last for deca...