Hi there, My access to SharePoint suddenly does not work, I get the following message: AADSTS50011: The redirect URI 'https://[mycompanyname].sharepoint.com/_forms/default.aspx' specified in the request does not match the redirect URIs configured for…
Make sure that you add it correctly, even the trailing slash matters here. I was getting an error as ““error”:”invalid_client”,”error_description”:”AADSTS500112: The reply address ‘https://localhost:44395/‘ does not match the reply address ‘https://localhost...
ERROR: AADSTS500113: no reply address is registered for the application There is one final step missing: - Under "Authentication," you need to click on "Add a platform" - You then choose the "Web" box - In the Redirect URIs box, need to add the first part of the URL string that ...
I'm at the same error: AADSTS500113: No reply address is registered for the application. It seems it might have something to do with Redirect URI (reply URL) ... Paessler's article says it's an optional if you don't know (how should I know it?)... but never revisits in the ...
It not in our control to set the redirect url. I believe there was an update to the MSOLAP libraries but i try that as well and hasnt resolved this issue. FYI https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68302360/aadsts50011-the-reply-url-specified-in-the-request-does-not-match-the-rep...