步骤1How to Fix a Bent Spiral Coil & Reinforce Torn Holes on a Notebook Use pliers to reshape the bent coil into a rounded ring shape, as close as possible to its original state. The reshaped coil does not have to be in a perfect circular shape, just round enough so the coil c...
Paperback books make up the bulk of most people's personal libraries. They are highly portable, thus taking an amazing amount of abuse. Eventually, many of these books require some degree of repair. In particular, either one or both covers are torn or have come off, or the entire cover i...
Is it damaged, stained, torn or faded? Has it been worn in the past year? If you answered, “no,” to any of these questions (or if you answered, "yes," to question #2), the item should go in your “Get Rid Of” bin. Seasonal clothing and infrequently worn items with sentimenta...
In particular, either one or both covers are torn or have come off, or the entire cover is detached from the pages. Both types of repair are easy and inexpensive to do. Repairing your book will prolong its life, whether you keep it or give it away. Repairing a Damaged or Loose Cover...
As an upcoming groom for a black tie wedding, I am torn between wearing a tailor made midnight blue, shawl collared tux OR a black, peak lapelled tux. The reason for the dilemma is that my groomsmen will all be wearing the latter, and I am conscious it might look a bit odd if I ...
“Trevor!” Barnaby greeted, putting down his evening paper. “Good to see you…” He trailed off, taking in his friend’s appearance. His suit was soiled and torn, his hair and moustache grown wild. When he sat down he leaned forward, peering with haggard eyes that begged for sleep....
When I told her that I didnt believe in "hope" i belived in making things happen she was pretty torn up about it. Right now we have an apartment and she is staying there alone. I have been living at a relatives place. We agreed on breaking the lease but it takes 60 days. So we...
9-year-old Sandeep Kaur was chopping grass to feed the family buffalo at her home in northern India when her hair became caught in the threshing machine. Her entire face -- scalp and hair included -- was torn off. Sandeep's family put her face in a bag and drove the child by moped...
What is a knee sprain?A knee sprain is a stretched or torn ligament in your knee. Ligaments support the knee and keep the joint and bones in the correct position. A knee sprain may involve one or more ligaments.What increases my risk for a knee sprain?
How to repair headphone cables Separate the cable Strip the cable Remove the wire coating Rejoin the wires Use a heat-shrinking tube What do you need to fix headphone wires? We’re covering the most basic headphone wire repair, which happens to be rather cheap. While you can purchase a ...