While an antihistamine may be a quick fix for your swollen eyelids, if the swelling does not go down within a few hours of taking it, it’s best to contact your eye doctor. Remove contact lenses When you have a swollen eyelid — or any eye irritation, for that matter — the last thi...
Filler migration is a risk of face filler, especially if you get lip filler or under-eye filler. Here's what derms say can cause it—and the best way to fix it.
The 'Colour of Mother’s Day’ is an inviting floral pink whose kind-hearted nature suggests a loving touch. Honouring the women whose unending love and devotion we cherish, City Centre shopping Malls in the Middle East have collaborated with the Pantone Color Institute to introduce “The Colo...
How to Fake a Believable Tan at City Centre Bahrain Blog. Learn tips and products to achieve a natural-looking tan without sun exposure.
Along with the butterfly rash, lupus can cause swollen eyelids, scaly patches of skin, or a ring-like rash on your face. On dark skin, the rash may leave behind dark spots, light spots, or permanent scars. Does lupus affect your physical appearance?
Swollen Cornea Posted by Calamity (New Albany, Indiana/usa) on 11/15/2010 I don't have a cure for anything, but I'm desperate to find one. Does anyone know of anything to speed up healing of swollen cornea after cataract surgery. Besides Acular and Pred Forte. My simple cataract surger...
When the NBA decided to go dark on the first Tuesday in November, it created a rare backlog on the schedule. Suddenly, the entire league opens for business for one swollen and manic Monday — all 30 teams in action,15 games total, a new tipoff every 15 minutes starting at 7 p.m. ...
Anyone who has suffered from acne will know that it can dent your self-esteem. The dread and disappointment of waking up in the morning to see yet another angry, swollen mound is enough to make anyone want to sack off the day and hide under the covers. ...
Death cap (Amanita phalloides): usually larger with white gills that do not attach to the stalk, may have a yellow or green tint on the cap Death angel (Amanita verna): pearly white stem with swollen base and white spores Fool’s conecap (Conocybe filaris): small with a smooth brown ...
My hamster im not sure what type it is, has a swollen rib, it seems to be squashed but its still alive but is refusing to eat and is running away whenever i touch it (its usually not like this) the front part is all squashed im scared it might die please what should i do?