Plasterboard Plywood Sealant How to insulate your shed walls 1. Measure the space between the studs. 2. Fit a damp-proof membrane between the studs to reduce moisture build-up. 3. Cut the insulation to size using a serrated knife (if you don’t have a suitable tool, a bread knife can...
FIXING PLASTERBOARD: How to cut it perfectly every time. Learn the only correct way to fit and tape plasterboard - REMEMBER PLASTERBOARD PROVIDES FIRE PROTECTION AND SHOULD BE FITTED SECURELY - LEARN HOW TO FIT IT SECURELY! CHOOSING TOOLS & EQUIPMENT: We show you exactly what basic equipment ...
The examinations had to find out the range of effects on the sound insulation in dependence of the variation of the "secondary" wall-components like the arrangement of the screws and the method of screwing, the sealing of the joint between plasterboard wall and massive flanking wall or massive...
H. Muellner, I. Plotizin, How `secondary' details of the construction and workmanship effect the airborne sound insulation of plasterboard walls. Proceedings of Internoise, The Hague, The Netherlands, 27-30 August, 2001, pp. 1133-1136.