"The idea of fast decluttering appeals to me; I am always looking for new, fresh ideas in this area, and I too enjoy reading about decluttering. "Can't wait to finish this program!" -- T. R. "I bought "Declutter Fast" about a month ago and it's great, Mimi. It's the first...
At the time I was on deadline to finish Magic Lessons, the second book in the Magic or Madness trilogy. I was also hard at work on the Daughters of Earth anthology. It was not a good time to start a new book, but I was stuck on Magic Lessons: so the day before it was due wit...
It’s become a popular hobby for gamers to piss and moan about how dumb it is for all elves or all orcs or all whatevers to share a common nature. That is, to take issue with the idea that individual members of the non-human races show less variance in personality, motivation, goals...
Nickie Lee was not the last non-Jamaican artist to fall under the influence of Prince Buster. Alex Hughes, a white reggae fan and sometime nightclub bouncer from Kent, England, built a singing career in the early 70s, inspired by Buster’s dirty ditty “Big Five,” which sold thousands o...
The ending either had Jennifer killing him or allowing him to kill himself. The game is a weird ride from start to finish: the opening has a suggestivemontage of fetishistic imagerythat might make one adverse to a public playthrough.
And others, like Celtx, are free (recommended if you're getting started, and just want to give writing a spec script a shot). 5. Edit As with books, I recommend doing at least three drafts. After you finish your first draft, read it through once without editing (you can take notes ...
Think about the memoir as a case study of someone else’s life. It helps to have an objective side where you describe your experiences and feelings. But also a subjective side where you analyze the impact those experiences made. Use storytelling to weave in lessons you learned during the eve...
Neversoft raced to get the game ready for a November 1998 release, and would finish Apocalypse on time, released in the fall of 1997 to good-not-great reviews and decent sales. It’s a solid shot of dated fun, if you really want to check it out for yourself. Activision proved to be...
3) get a shovel and stick to the AP as is. It's easy and lets the PCs win without a struggle and lets you finish early so you an watch a film and have a beer. Poor tactics: counterspelling and usually casting abjurations during combat, Ready an action (as it isthe hopeof trigger...
"I think if someone is wanting to listen to music about faith, then probably they have an immense curiosity and intelligence for what’s out there and mystery and divine and creation," she says, adding, "This should be a genre that’s maybe the best at cr...