You canfind a Breeze inMinecraftaround anyTrial Chamber. You’ll never find Breeze anywhere else in the world, but they’re always present around these structures. When you enter a Trial Chamber, there might not be a Breeze already out and about. If you don’t see or hear one, look fo...
The grindstone block in Minecraft - what's it for and how do you craft it? Our guide has all the answers you need.
Potatoes are one of the best foods to farm in Minecraft because you can find them quickly on a new map if you know where to look, and they restore a lot of hunger. Here are the easiest ways to get potatoes and how to plant them. ...
The traps we went over are probably the most commonly used traps used in-game, but they certainly aren't the only ones. As with all things in Minecraft, there is a stunning variety of traps in differing forms, fashions, and functions. If you are interested in seeing any of the traps ...
Looking for gold in Minecraft? You've come to the right place! Gold can help you make tools, foods, and armor, so it's super useful while you're gaming. Below, we'll teach you everything you need to know. You'll learn how to mine for gold, how to find it in unique places (...
Mining is one of the most important parts of Minecraft, at least in survival mode. Resources like cobblestone can be obtained while mining, as well as ores from the abundant coal ore to the extremely rare emerald. The resources found while mining are vital to both survival and progress; ther...
Related: Minecraft: How To Make An XP Farm With A Spider Spawner Normally, snow can be found in cold biomes, such as taigas and mountain ranges. Rather than traveling to a place where snow generates, bring the snow generation to you! With the help of a snow golem, you can have all...
This is an essential guide to surviving in Minecraft Pocket Edition. By following these easy steps, you cannot only survive and thrive in Minecraft PE, but beat the game entirely. Make a Minecraft survival world. Make sure to turn...
This article helps: Find and Mine Diamonds Fast on Minecraft. Just remember to be careful, wear armor, and don't dig straight down! Not Helpful 4 Helpful 28 Question How can I shoot myself in Minecraft? Community Answer If you aim up while walking forward, you can shoot yourself wit...
Breed Villagers in Minecraft How toMake a Mob Spawner in Minecraft How toMake an Iron Golem in Minecraft How toSpawn in Mob Spawners in Minecraft The Simplest Way to Heal and Cure a Zombie Villager in Minecraft How toName a Mob in Minecraft How toRide a Strider in Minecraft How toFight...