Britton notes that getting in a flow creates a sense of belonging—she’s no longer questioning her place. I recognize that. When I’m in a flow, I feel an ease of being. I’m not fighting the words; I’m at one with the words. I’m patient, and I feel connected to myself, ...
Ever gotten so "in the zone" at work that you completely lost track of time? This intense state of concentration is sometimes also called "flow." Your whole world becomes you and the project you're working on -- and it feels great to emerge from that state after getting a whole lot d...
When you're enjoying yourself and time passes quickly, that is an experience known as "flow." Musician Diane Allen explains how to find your own flow and ways to design for it in order to reach your fullest potential. music personal growth productivity...
Now, to find your flow, you’ve got to find the right balance between your skill and challenge, the environment and time, boredom and anxiety. Atop of that, the state of flow requires you to turn off your conscious’ criticism, and just let the creative, right hemisphere of your brain ...
How To Find Your Flow On Your Mountain Bike Applying this to ones riding experience translates to being connected to your bike as though you are one unit. Taking away the separation of equipment and body and fusing the experience so you are fully committed and focused on the ride itself. Bu...
Find Your People “Group flow is definitely a thing,” Urmston says. “There’s something in psychology called the contagion effect, which we’ve all observed in our classes if we’re teachers. If someone is having a positive experience, other people will join in on that.” In other words...
Comments Offon The Life Reboot: How to Get Unstuck and Find Your Flow The Tapping Solution for Weight Loss & Body Confidence Thursday Jun 9, 2016 - byNick Ortner This 7 week program is about taking you through a process using Tapping that covers the most important topics that need to be...
2004《Vois sur ton chemin 》《Look to Your Path》-Beyoncé - 出自《Les Choristes》(放牛班的春天 02:50 2003《Scarlet Tide 》- Joan Baez - 出自《Cold mountain》(冷山) 02:23 2003《A Kiss At The End Of The Rainbow》-Mitch & Mickey - 出自《A Mighty Wind》(歌声满人间) ...
be on pins and needles:(紧张或担心得)如坐针毡剑桥英语释义:to be nervously waiting to find out what is going to happen注:pin是大头针,needle是缝衣针,在这堆针上面坐立不安的状态,非常形象地形容焦虑的心情,意思也和成语“如坐针毡”如出一辙。 04:16 Sheila: Get back here so I can give it ...
This is not an exhaustive list, but it highlights the most common emotional core wounds that people struggle with.How many can you relate to? How to Find Your Core Wound (3 Practices) There’s a crack in everything; that’s how the light gets in. ...