Outside of that very crucial example, there are other reasons why you will want to know about Linux releases—even release types—in order to better navigate the world of Linux and all the power that comes with the platform. Before we get into how to discern the various bits of informati...
Therefore, in this simple yet important guide for new Linux users, I will show you how to find out your Linux system OS version from the command line. Doing this may seem to be a relatively easy task. However, having a good knowledge of your system is always a recommended practice for ...
If you are new to Linux, you probably don’t like the terminal much because it hasn’t grown on you yet. Hence, if you don’t like using the terminal and are looking for a way to find out the Linux version, it’s possible with this GUI method. 1. Go to Settings on your Linux ...
Or it may also happen when you are using few servers with multiple versions of the operating system and may not be necessary to remember which version ofDebianis installed on which system. There may be many other reasons. Read Also:How to Find Out What Version of Linux You Are Running In...
How to Find Out Linux Distribution Name and Its Release Version There are several ways to determine what distribution and its version number are running on a system. Below we will show you the three most commonly used approaches. 1. Displaying the contents of the /etc/os-release file ...
To get the firendly name, and use it in your automation scripts reliably, you will have to use an associative array containing all the versions and names then do a lookup based on your current version number. 👉 Find some examples of Bash Associative Array with myComplete Guide on How To...
1. Using Linux Standard Base (lsb) package The most easier way is to use the Linux Standard Base package orlsb-releasefrom Debian. Simply run the following from the command line to find out the Ubuntu version. lsb_release -a It should give an output similar to the below: ...
The hostnamectl command is also a part of the systemd package. Generally, this command is used to check and configure the hostname. However, you can also use it to check the version of your Linux OS. Similar to the above command, you can also find this command in every latest Linux ...
You can find its manualhere. lsb_release -a Output: No LSB modules are available.Distributor ID: RaspbianDescription: Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)Release: 11Codename: bullseye dmesgcommand without any arguments is generally used to display kernel messages from the last boot of the system. It...
Next - System Info How to Find Which Linux Version You Are Running Helder Helder is a seasoned IT professional with over 20 years of extensive background in technical domains, including software, hardware, and cloud, and has been working with Linux for over 20 years. @heldmar Montevideo, ...