Hello, Sir, and thank you for posting all of the information you already have. I had no idea you could no longer obtain a permit for Sikkim in Darjeeling. This is useful information. We will ensure that we get our permits in Kolkata before travelling to Sikkim. My question, if you have...
I am unable to find the full address of ITO, Ward No.23(4), Kolkata. I sent one letter to the above ITO as mentioned under Registered with A/D on 25/11/2017-but, that was returned today i.e.29/11/2017 by the postal department giving note of “Insufficient address”. I gave the...
Through this agreement bond, the parents/guardians have to certify that there child/ward will appear for the NDA entrance exam conducted by the UPSC and will join the NDA if selected. Failing in any of the above two criteria will result in the ...
The best hotels in India and how to book them by Mariellen Ward· February 18, 2020 This post may contain compensated links. Find more info in my Disclosure Policy. My favourite hotel in India, Suryagarh, Jaisalmer is a fantasy in stone. Table of Contents How to book the best hotels ...
To get it from the income tax filing website, login in and click on the ‘View Return’. You would see all the returns you have submitted electronically. Get the Ack.No number as well as filing date as shown in the image below for the year fir which you are revising. ...
Outside, the mid-morning heat is stifling. It's not humid like the bustling metropolises of Mumbai or Kolkata; here in New Delhi it's a dry heat, the type of heat that exhausts you, made worse by a thick layer of dust which sticks to your face and stings your eyes. ...