Now you can look at the file bigtosmall.txt in order to decide which files you want to remove from your Git history. Step 4 To perform the removal (note this part is slow since it's going to examine every commit in your history for data about the file you identified): git filter-b...
Once you have an expression for the initial vertical velocity, can you find the time the stone takes to reach its apogee? I see, so i use another equation, vf = vi + a*t, then i could plug in the value of Vi i found into the equation and I can solve for t in this...
Here kF is the Fermiwave-vector, qc is the maximal momentum transfered by the interaction, and vF=kF/m is the Fermivelocity. Assuming equal forward scattering couplings g2=g4, wefind that the dominant effect of the quadratic term in the energydispersion is a renormalization of the anomalous...
Physics? That's where you find new insights on things people have been thinking about for a long time. If you don't have two or three separate approaches to explaining something, then you don't really understand it. OK, everything we know is wrong, and transistors aren't really "current...
As a boy, he liked to make things. He also decided to find a different way to measure the speed of the wind. On a windy day, he measured how far he could jump with the wind at his back. Then he measured how far he could jump with the wind in his face. F...
docker rm -vf $(docker ps -aq) To delete all the images, docker rmi -f $(docker images -aq) Remember, you should remove all the containers before removing all the images from which those containers were created. Windows - Powershell docker images -a -q | % { docker image rm $_...
As with all diodes, LED's will only allow current to flow in the direction from the anode to the cathode. Examine the specification sheet for the LEDs which you wish to use in your circuit. Determine the values for maximum forward current (If) and typical forward voltage drop (Vf). ...
As with all diodes, LED's will only allow current to flow in the direction from the anode to the cathode. Examine the specification sheet for the LEDs which you wish to use in your circuit. Determine the values for maximum forward current (If) and typical forward voltage drop (Vf). ...
the game received glowing reviews from publications likeIGNfor its phenomenal design choices and solid voice acting. The story follows a ragtag team of unsuspecting heroes who find themselves pulled into a quest to save the kingdom from an evil spellcasting jester. Though it does sneak in a few...