Your Space dev environment will be hibernated when it goes unused for more than 30 minutes. Hibernation stops the underlying virtual machine so it does not consume resources unnecessarily. In addition, you can hibernate your dev environment manually in Space by navigating to theDev Environmentsscreen...
To give you an example, here is the code with the equals() and hashCode() methods implemented by JetBrains IntelliJ: public class HashAndEqualsNotImplemented { public static void main(String[] args) { Set<Entry> set = new HashSet<>(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { set....
src/test/java - for test classes 1.6. Static imports and unit testing JUnit 5 allows to use static imports for its assertStatements to make the test code short and easy to read. Static imports are a Java feature that allows fields and methods defined in a class as public static to be...
Inthis chapter, we explain why optimizing PHP involves many factors which are not code related, and why tuning PHP requires an understanding of how PHP performs in relation to all the other subsystems on your server, and then identifying bottlenecks caused by these subsystems and fixing them. ...
I am having trouble getting the Unused declaration to identify unused classes. If I do Find Usages on an individual class it is not found, but the inspection won't identify it though it will find unused methods and members. My guess is that is a config issue but I can't figure out...
This problem emerges when I run debug - the old classes are used by debugger: i.e. I have 10.3 version now, but the debugger finds 10.2 version's class because that class is stil in External Libraries list of my Idea Project. I tried to force debugger searching in...
I find myself often deleting unused imports manually, you know, the ones grayed out, at least in the Darcula theme.Is there any command to delete them all at once?.Votes 0 分享 4 条评论 排序方式 Alexander Doroshko 创建于 2014年12月03日23:28 Help | Find Action (remember...
And what is even more pathetic is, the usage of imported class is marked red, while the import statements i manually added is all in grey, as 'unused imports' I'm using intellij 13 on MAC. Can someone please give me some help here? thanks a trillion ...
My goal is it to create a feature in an existing custom language plugin, which is able to search unused "keywords" over a ActionPerfom button and show them all in a JList (by usingToolWindowfrom intelliJ). Now thequestionsare, is it possible to iterate/navigate o...