captures the incandescence ofthese mass partiesthrough 16-year-old Tara’s disorderly teen lens, befuddled by a cocktail of hormones, peer pressure, and future uncertainty following the discovery of her GCSE exam results. The film does a truly flawless job at encapsulating the very essence of Tar...
1. Asking students to generate multiple means of goal attainment 2. The importance of perceived goal attainability in education 3. The “Availability” heuristic and Difficulty-in-Generation (DIG) 4. “Think of Many Ways” and inconsistent mediation 5. Moderation of the effects of DIG and “Th...
I know that in the coming weeks we will see colleges working with awarding bodies to ensure students unable to takeGCSEs and A levels, plus the whole range of vocational and technical qualifications, can navigate through trying times. They will work with universities to ensure nobody is left ...
and then paints one side of that so bleakly that the chance is missed for those between his poles to question their own practice. Banking Education has become a straw man that allows us all to say that we are not so bad, therefore we must be on the good side. I also note that the ...
For the first four or five years of a school created in these circumstances, you have to add value just to keep the results standing still."These targets placed further uncertainty on the future of the school, which had an immediate effect on the self-confidence of the students and staff....
However, many of the measures we use in education are only meaningful in relation to the performance of the cohort. This was true of levels and is true of GCSE grades 1-9. It’s also true, by definition, of standardised test scores. Essentially these are all bell-curve position markers....
No business is risk free, so you need to judge the level of danger correctly and then be sufficiently well prepared to live with the consequences. • What is your response to uncertainty - do you find this exciting rather than worrying? Are you prepared for changing markets, competition, ...
And, What is so important that we need to find a way of doing it, however badly? Following on from these answers are two supplementary questions. What is the role of the teacher in all this? And How can schools use all this experience to be better in the future when some new normal...
Another high school teacher, Max, supported his school’s sustainability focus but felt constrained by both the IB and General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) curriculum, saying: there is a small nod to—it used to be the millennium development goals and now it’s the sustainability ...