2. Change directory to <cs_home>/cs_app/webapps/synergy/WEB-INF/wsconfig/ 3. Replace Adnin(ChangeAdmin) user with the OS user in users.cfg. a. Open the users.cfg file. b. Find the entry for Admin(ChangeAdmin), for example: Admin = 10...
TDS meters measure the electrical conductivity of water. Pure water is a poor conductor, but total dissolved solids carry a distinct electrical charge that correlates directly to TDS levels. The greater the charge — the higher the level of dissolved solids. It’s the quickest way to get a fe...
(probably applies to your profiler column as well) However it bases this decision only on the fact if the "reset session" (TDS 7.1 RESETCONNECTION flag) is used. So a pure client pool does not show up in the server (besides you see that connections are longer lived and have multiple re...
app, or online calculator. You can also get a reading by taking the kit to your pool supply store. Be aware that the bottle numbers, vial sizes, and chemicals in this project are unique to this particular brand of test kit. Follow the instructions for your kit, which you can find onlin...
Aurora Serverless v1 might not be able to find a scaling point for the following reasons: Long-running queries In-progress transactions Temporary tables or table locks To increase your Aurora Serverless v1 DB cluster's success rate when finding a scaling point, we recommend that you ...
Water hardness can be easily measured using a simple soap test kit that will measure in "grains of hardness" (a little bottle with a line marked on it which you fill to the line with water, add a drop of soap, and shake to look for suds. More drops of soap - more degrees of hard...
In that case you should try to find the query and its statement id in the history on serverless pool. First, make sure that you set up theQPI T-SQL libraryin your serverless database. This library is a set of useful T-SQL scripts that enable you to find ...
I am a student trying to install Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Express, but I encountered the following error: Exit code (Decimal):. -2061893607 Error description: Could not find the Database Engine startup handle. I attempted to solve the issue by forcing…
I recently took over a database that has a partition_scheme and partition function applied to a table. When I look at the table and it's indexes I cannot find where (on what column) the function is being applied. In addittion I cannot find the text of the partition function (it's ...
However, if you find a GOLD puck, you must bring that to the WBKR Studios at 3301 Frederica Street here in town. If you find a puck and return it to the correct location, you're eligible to win some cool prizes. Winners will be chosen randomly from all eligible qualifiers. ...