Method 1 – Using the MIN Function to Find the Minimum Value in Excel The syntax for theMINfunction is MIN(number_range) number_range:The range from which you want to find the minimum value. Instead of the number_range, you can use multiple numbers separated by a comma (,), and theMI...
In this article, we will learn How to find the minimum and maximum values in Excel.Scenario:There can be many scenarios where an excel user needs to find the minimum or maximum value from the given values. For example finding the minimum and maximum sales value in the year. Or finding ...
To find the minimum numerical value in range while ignoring the 0 value, we can use the Small function along with Countif function in Microsoft Excel. SMALL: - This function is used to return the kth smallest value in a data set. Example: Column A contains a l...
You will find the name of the student with the lowest mark. Read More:How to Find Lowest 3 Values in Excel Method 3 – Find the Nth Minimum Value with VLOOKUP Steps: Select the output cellC12. Apply the following formula to find the 2nd minimum value. =VLOOKUP(SMALL(C5:C10,2),C5:D...
Functionsperform a mathematical calculation on a range of cells in Excel. The most commonFunctionsareSUM,AVERAGE,COUNT,MIN, andMAX. If an individual wants to find the average, minimum, or maximum of their data, they can use theAVERAGE,MIN, andMAX Functions. In this post, we show you how...
Finding Minimum and Maximum Values in Excel A more well-known function of Excel lets youfind the highest and/or lowest valueswithin a range of numbers, handy if you are keeping track of bills in your budget. You can also combine these formulas tofind the range(the largest minus the smalles...
For example, to find the minimum value of numbers in the range B2:B7, you will write the MIN function as follows: =MIN(B2:B7) The MAX Function The Excel MAX function returns the largest numeric value in a range of values. The syntax for the MAX function is as follows: ...
Tips:To find and highlight the lowest n values, you just need to ClickHome>Conditional Formatting>Top/Bottom Rules>Bottom 10 Items. Select all of the highest or lowest value in a selection with a powerful feature TheKutools for Excel'sSelect Cells with Max & Min Valuewill help you not on...
Excel has the functions to find out the maximum and the minimum value from a range (the MAX and the MIN function). Suppose you have a data set as shown below, and you want to calculate the range for the data in column B. Below is the formula to calculate the range for this data ...
The MIN function’s power lies not only in its ability to find the minimum value in a dataset, but also in its versatility for more advanced cost analysis scenarios. Here are a few strategies to harness the power of the MIN function for accurate cost analysis. Firstly, you can combine the...