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Note that the paper is based on conditional reasoning. We do not argue for SP exceptionalismper se. Instead, we assume it with the rest of the literature on the topic and formulate a constraint that has to be taken into consideration byanyview that advocates SP exceptionalism. With this cavea...
The TPACK Framework In 1986, Shulman introduced a model to describe teachers’ professional knowledge as an interplay betweencontent knowledge(CK),pedagogical knowledge(PK), and the intersection between the two:pedagogical content knowledge(PCK). CK refers to the understanding of the subject matter; ...
dependent on the offspring sex as Box 1 How to Examine the Estrous Cycle in Rodents One simple way in which cyclicity can be examined is to collect vaginal smears on the day of testing and used to determine cycle stage in females as described previously (Nelson et al, 1982; Caligioni, ...
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