What Is the y Intercept of a Quadratic Function? The y-intercept is where the parabola of a function crosses (or intercepts) the y axis. Another way to define the y-intercept is the value of y when x is equal to zero. Because the y intercept is a point on a graph, you'll usually...
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Finding the x- and y-intercepts of an equation are important skills you'll need in math and the sciences. For some problems, this may be more complicated; fortunately, for linear equations it just couldn't be simpler. A linear equation will only ever hav
The vertex of a quadratic equation or parabola is the highest or lowest point of that equation. It lies on the plane of symmetry of the entire parabola as well; whatever lies on the left of the parabola is a complete mirror image of...
Eighth grade is a big year for middle schoolers! You're finally at the top of the school's social hierarchy, and at the same time, you're getting ready to transition to high school. Solidifying friendships and trying new things are just as...
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