In Linux you may want to change the hostname of your server or desktop PC from time to time. A common example is if you’re re-purposing a server or you made a typo when installing the operating system and want to reset the hostname. Here we will cover how the hostname can be edi...
A quick bit of background. Before the invention of DNS, your computer's hostname was managed through the HOSTS file located at/etc/hosts. Anytime that a new computer was connected to your local network, all other computers on the network needed to add the new machine into the/etc/hostsf...
The Linux hostname command is used to view or change a system’sdomainand hostname. It can alsocheck a computer’s IP address. In this tutorial, we will cover all the ways you can use thehostnamecommand on Linux and how to change your computer’s hostname on a Linux system. Prerequis...
The environment variable “$Env” can be utilized to get/retrieve the localhost name. For this purpose, mention the “COMPUTERNAME” in the given command as follows: >$Env:COMPUTERNAME Method 4: Getting the Localhost Name in PowerShell Using “[System.Net.Dns]::GetHostName()” Command Th...
For static hostname: hostnamectl--static For static transient: hostnamectl--transient For static pretty: hostnamectl--pretty Now, run the below command to change the hostname permanently: hostnamectl set-hostname<new_hostname> For example, let’s change the static hostname in ‘linuxhint’...
How to View Your Hostname in Linux Before you set out to change the hostname, let’s look at what it’s currently configured to. After all, you may have already set the hostname to precisely what you want during installation. If not, it’s easy to change. ...
The easiest way to find the current user is to open a terminal that will show the username and hostname. Confused? Let me show you: Another way is touse the $USER environment variable. But what if you want to use this data in the bash script? Or do you want to find the current ...
(ifconfig,ip addr, andhostname) to find your IP address in Ubuntu. We also covered how to check IP address in Ubuntu 20.04, a popular version of the server OS. Additionally, we covered how to find IP address in laptops so that you can see the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses assigned to ...
Device or system hostnames are used to easily recognize a machine within a network in a human readable format. It is not much of a surprise, but on Linux system, the hostname can be easily changed by using simple command as “hostname“. ...
hostname -I You can also use thenmcliutility to get the private IP address of your interface. It's a console-based program for managing the network manager. nmcli -p device show Find Public IP Address of Linux Systems As NAT is responsible for assigning the public IP for your system, yo...