The ATO has a superannuation search toolto help you find any lost or unclaimed super. Generally all you need is your Tax File Number (TFN) and, if you want to transfer your unclaimed super to your preferred super fund, your super fund membership number as well. Where do I find my super...
A Tax File Number identifies you for tax and superannuation purposes. Find out how to apply, the different types of TFN and what to do if you lose it.
This airport has luggage support services, in case of delay, loss or destruction, as well as a Lost and Found area. Hotels At Tenerife South Airport there are no hotels, but it is very easy to find good hotels near it, just a few kilometres away. Please see here our list, which incl...
How to record Coles Myer Share Split - CML into CML & CMLC in Quicken ? Answer Due to the relaunch of Coles Myer Ltd Shareholder Discount Plan, CML has split. If you owned 500 CML shares before 20/07/2001, they are now trading as CMLC. Any shares above 500 are n...
. In addition, we used (it is a search engine affiliated to Baidu, Inc. that is one of the largest internet companies in the world; it is more likely to find information on events in China than with other search engines.) to find relevant webpages outside the governmental ...
(2017) find that a sacred object such as a scapular can be transcendental and extraordinary, not only due to religious belief but also because of the source with which it is associated. Having received the gift of the scapular from a close loved one, Catholic consumers believe this object ...