it also plays a crucial role in keeping tax records organised for individuals and businesses. If you're self-employed or have additional sources of income, the UTR number is used when submitting tax returns to ensure your tax records
Please note that HMRC do not advise on where you can gain tax relief. You’ll have to determine these areas for yourself, or use tax software like GoSimpleTax to find that information for you. It’s important to be aware of the deadline date, as filing a late tax return will result...
Do I need to tell HMRC if I freelance as a second job? Telling HMRC about your income change Is there a simpler way to pay tax on my second income? How much tax do you pay on a second job? Mostly, the rates are exactly the same as you pay for primary employment. The basic rate...
OCI (Overseas Citizenship of India)card is a multiple-entrylifetime visa for Indiawithout any limitations on the length of stay in India. It is a smart card with the idea to facilitate quicker immigration clearance and also, using consular services. OCI Registration Certificate, OCI Card, Overse...
When you make a payment into your pension you usually receive tax relief from HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC). So the sooner you start contributing to a pension, the more potential your money will have to grow, but there are limits on how much tax relief you get on your contributions. ...
When you have secured a timeframe of your move and know your new address, you will need to notify relevant authorities of your move, both in the UK, and in your new country. This could include: HMRC who will need to be notified for tax purposes ...
If you do business in several countries, for instance, you might need to file tax forms in numerous places. You might also need to claim tax relief in the UK on export-related fees – and if so, you’ll need to maintain doubly accurate records. At WorldFirst, we aim to make life...
Learn about the probate process – applying for a grant of probate, administering an estate, paying inheritance tax, and what to do if there isn't a will.
Parking - Are your needs met on the property or if not, is on-street parking available? Garden - Is it private or overlooked and does it have the space you need? Council tax band - this will be easy to research online to get an idea of the additional costs of ownership Internet speed...
Well, you can track how much tax-sheltered accumulation funds have been fattened by dividends using the technique below… How to find dividend distributions for accumulating funds To find the dividend distributions of your accumulation fund: