Log files and journals are important to a system administrator's work. They reveal a great deal of information about a system and are instrumental during troubleshooting and auditing. Log files contain events and messages generated by the kernel, applications, and users that log into the system....
This command-line system information tool written in bash is loved by aesthetically-oriented Linux users for its ability to display basic OS, software, and hardware information in a visually pleasing manner. To use Neofetch with its default settings, simplyinstall the tooland invoke it in your fa...
How To Find Linux System Details Using inxi Inxiis a free, open source, and full featured command line system information tool. It shows system hardware, CPU, drivers, Xorg, Desktop, Kernel, GCC version(s), Processes, RAM usage, and a wide variety of other useful information. Be it a h...
Lshw (Hardware Lister)is a full-featured CLI utility that provides detailed information on the hardware configuration of a Linux system. It can get the hardware details such as exact memory configuration, firmware version, mainboard configuration, CPU version and speed, cache configuration, bus speed...
In this short tutorial, we’ll discuss various ways to find the file system type of the particular storage device. 2. Setting up an Example In Linux, we can create a file system only on a block device. A block device can be any physical storage device, for example – Hard Disk Drive...
On Linux you can typically find system information by opening the terminal and running commands such as "uname -a" to display the kernel version, or "lsb_release -a" to view distribution-specific information. How can I use system properties for troubleshooting purposes?
the entire operating system relies on it. As time goes by, it becomes necessary to check the details of the CPU to improve performance and address any issues that may arise. It is not difficult to find the real-time CPU information and check how much load is handled by it in Linux. ...
How to see all the kernel modules installed on the system? What are the kernel module utilities in Red Hat Enterprise Linux? Where to find additional documentation on kernel modules and their utilities? How to identify tainted third party modules?
The job of the system admin is never done. Security, software rollouts, updates, user management, network I/O, you name it, and the admin has to do it.
The components are arranged in groups that form network layers, which stack on top of each other in order to form a complete system. The Linux kernel handles networking in a similar way to the SCSI subsystem described in Chapter 3. 计算机通过使用一系列组件来回答这些问题,每个组件负责发送、接收...