Astrophysical neutrinos and how to find them – with Jenni Adams 01:03:02 Zap, Crackle and Pop_ The Story of Electricity 01:05:11 Time, Einstein, and the Coolest Stuff in the Universe 01:28:56 Top 10 Greatest Mathematicians to Ever Live.mp4 11:05 Top 10 Greatest Physicists to ev...
36 Astrophysical neutrinos and how to find them – with Jenni Adams 1:03:02 Zap, Crackle and Pop_ The Story of Electricity 1:05:11 Time, Einstein, and the Coolest Stuff in the Universe 1:28:56 Top 10 Greatest Mathematicians to Ever Live.mp4 11:05 Top 10 Greatest Physicists to ever ...
HOW STUFF WORKS: ; Atom smasher: What a super collider doesMarshall Brain
Inside an atom Toward the end of the 19th century, science was barreling along at an impressive pace. Automobiles and aircraft were on the verge of changing the way the world moved, and electric power was steadily making its way into more and more homes. Yet even scientists of th...
Atomic bombs use fission to split the nucleus of an atom into two smaller fragments with a neutron, causing a deadly chain reaction. H-bombs go the other way and use fusion to bring together two smaller atoms to form a larger one. That creates massive energy in a reaction similar to the...
Most of us don't think about what's going on inside a copier while we wait for it to shoot out the copies. Find out how, in mere seconds, you can produce an exact replica of what's on a sheet of paper!
Since the magnetic field runs straight down the center of the machine, the hydrogen protons line up so that they're pointing to either the patient's feet or the head. About half go each way, so that the vast majority of the protons cancel each other out -- that is, for each atom ...
Atom smashers, like CERN, are large tunnels lined with powerful supermagnets that circle around to propel atoms at near-light speeds. When an atom is sent through this accelerator, it slams into a target, creating particles. Some of these particles are antiparticles that are separated out by ...
Normal atoms are made up of protons and neutrons in the nucleus (see How Atoms Work), surrounded by a cloud of electrons. In plasma, the electrons separate from the nucleus. Once the energy of heat releases the electrons from the atom, the electrons begin to move around quickly. The ...
There are a lot of things you can do to improve NGINX server and this guide will attempt to cover as many of them as possible. With this handbook you will explore the many features and capabilities of the NGINX. You'll find out, for example, how to testing the performance or how to ...