The best way to get started in stargazing is to find your local astronomy club. These groups often host star parties, and bring a large telescope. Events like these help you learn more about the skies in your local area, and provide you with an opportunity to use equipment you may not w...
Find a dark sky location.Use ourcity stargazing guidesto find a place 1-2 hours from where you live, or peruse ourWorld Space Tourism Guideto find dark sky places around the globe. Plan for a night during peak activity. As mentioned, the peak of the Draconids will be on the evening of...
planets, and constellations. A good example isSky Tonight, a free stargazing toolcontaining an astronomy calendar, an index that defines daily conditions for stargazing, and articles about the latest astronomy events.
At the North Pole, you would find Polaris overhead. At the equator, it would appear to sit right on the horizon. The North Star climbs progressively higher the farther north you go; when you head south, the star drops lower and ultimately disappears from view once you cross the equator ...
Where to go: Stargazing campsites The simple answer: The farther away from light pollution you go, the darker the skies will be and the more stars you will see! If you live in a major city or town, you’ll find that even going an hour away from home toward a more rural area will...
These stargazing scientists have been facing their own darkness on the edge of town (or on the edge of galaxies) for a long time as they try to explain one of astronomy's greatest mysteries: dark matter. Dark matter is a placeholder, like the x or y used in algebra class, for somethin...
The shower's radiant is in the constellation Bootes. The easiest way to find it is tolook north for the Big Dipper. Then, follow the "arc" of the Big Dipper's handle across the sky to the red giant starArcturus, which anchors the bottom of Bootes. ...
If you've ever been out for a night of stargazing, you've probably noticed: Some stars in the sky are brighter than others. A number of factors play a role in how bright stars appear to us on Earth, and astronomers have studied some of them extensively to understand why they are so ...
Venture to the Montreal Planetarium (1000 Saint Jacques St) for a look at the heavens above -- Montreal-style. Celebrating a milestone 40th anniversary in 2006, the planetarium offers many locally produced multimedia presentations and attracts a rather nice local crowd of stargazing enthusiasts. Parc...
Pick your next astrotourism destination with this guide to the best places to go stargazing around the world. Jan 8, 2025 • 11 min read Login Save your favorites! Sign into save, get inso & more Festivals & Events Abu Dhabi in five days: mosques, museums, races and more ...