The SQL Server configuration manager is a Microsoft console management snap-in and is in the start menu. You can find it once the installation of the SQL Server is completed. To open the configuration manager, Microsoft management console uses the “SQLServerManager<version>.msc” file. For ex...
We had successfully installed SQL Server on this server but we have received error “MMC could not create the snap-in” during launching SQL Server Configuration Manager after a week. I did some google search to fix this issue but nothing had helped me. Here i will explain the so...
下列範例示範各種Microsoft Configuration Manager SQL 檢視查詢。 範例 從資源類型號碼判斷資源類型的顯示名稱 在SQL Server 中,使用下列 SQL 語句查詢 Configuration Manager 資料庫: select DisplayName from v_ResourceMap where ResourceType=5 判斷特定資源類型的探索屬性 ...
In SQL Server Configuration Manager, expandSQL Server Native Client Configuration, right-clickClient Protocols, and then clickProperties. In theEnabled Protocolsbox, clickMove UporMove Down, to change the order in which protocols are tried, when attempting to connect to SQL Server. The top protocol...
How to: Start an Instance of SQL Server (SQL Server Configuration Manager) How to: Pause and Resume an Instance of SQL Server (SQL Server Configuration Manager) How to: Stop an Instance of SQL Server (SQL Server Configuration Manager) How to: Start SQL Server Agent (SQL Server Configuration...
In the SSCM, clickSQL Server ServicesunderSQL Server Configuration Manager (Local), you could find list times likeSQL Server (<InstanceName>), the<InstanceName>is exactly what we need to find, instance name. If you install multiple instances on the server, you will see more than oneSQL Ser...
4 step by step methods to find SQL Server error log location You can check the SQL Server error log path in a few ways: Use T-SQL Use SQL Configuration Manager Use Event Viewer Registry 1. Using T-SQL Find the SQL Server error log location setting: ...
SQL Server 配置管理器SQL Server 配置管理器是 Microsoft 管理控制台程序的一个管理单元,所以其在某些版本的 Windows 中不显示为一个应用程序。 有关详细信息,请参阅 SQL Server Configuration Manager。启动SQL Server 配置管理器从“开始”菜单中,依次选择“所有程序”>“Microsoft SQL Server”>“...
How to: Delete a Server Alias (SQL Server Configuration Manager) How to: Create a Server Alias for Use by a Client (SQL Server Configuration Manager) How to: Configure a Client to Use Specific Network Protocol (SQL Server Configuration Manager) ...
How to: Start an Instance of SQL Server (SQL Server Configuration Manager) How to: Pause and Resume an Instance of SQL Server (SQL Server Configuration Manager) How to: Stop an Instance of SQL Server (SQL Server Configuration Manager) How to: Start SQL Server Agent (SQL Server Configuration...