The SQL Server configuration manager is a Microsoft console management snap-in and is in the start menu. You can find it once the installation of the SQL Server is completed. To open the configuration manager, Microsoft management console uses the “SQLServerManager<version>.msc” file. For ex...
In SQL Server Configuration Manager, expandSQL Server Native Client Configuration, right-clickClient Protocols, and then clickProperties. Click a protocol in theDisabled Protocolsbox, and then clickEnable, to enable a protocol. Click a protocol in theEnabled Protocolsbox, and then clickDisable, to ...
We had successfully installed SQL Server on this server but we have received error “MMC could not create the snap-in” during launching SQL Server Configuration Manager after a week. I did some google search to fix this issue but nothing had helped me. Here i will explain the so...
How to: Start an Instance of SQL Server (SQL Server Configuration Manager) How to: Pause and Resume an Instance of SQL Server (SQL Server Configuration Manager) How to: Stop an Instance of SQL Server (SQL Server Configuration Manager) How to: Start SQL Server Agent (SQL Server Configuration...
Use SQL Configuration Manager Use Event Viewer Registry 1. Using T-SQL Find the SQL Server error log location setting: USE master GOEXECsys.xp_readerrorlog0,--Value of error log file you want to read: 0 = current, 1 = Archive #1, 2 = Archive #2, etc...1,--Log file type: 1 ...
A scenario may involve where a user wants to find the nearest restaurant from their current location within the mall. The semantic search algorithm interprets the user query ("nearest restaurant") and understands that the user is looking for restaurant facilities within the mall. Instead o...
SQL Server 配置管理器是 Microsoft 管理控制台程序的一个管理单元,所以其在某些版本的 Windows 中不显示为一个应用程序。 有关详细信息,请参阅 SQL Server Configuration Manager。启动SQL Server 配置管理器从“开始”菜单中,依次选择“所有程序”>“Microsoft SQL Server”>“配置工具”>“SQL Ser...
ClickWindowsand expandMicrosoft SQL Serverwith a year name like 2008 (you may need to scroll a bit to find the option). Now openSQL Server Configuration Managerand clickYes(if UAC prompt received). Then, expandSQL Server Network Configurationand selectProtocolsfor (the server/database name) in...
Oracle Digital Assistant release 22.12 brings us a ground-breaking new capability – SQL Dialog – which can translate a user’s natural language input into SQL queries, send the queries to a backend data source, and display the response. All of these wi
How to: Prevent Automatic Startup of an Instance of SQL Server (SQL Server Configuration Manager) How to: Start an Instance of SQL Server (SQL Server Configuration Manager) How to: Pause and Resume an Instance of SQL Server (SQL Server Configuration Manager) How to: Stop an Instance of SQL...