Change the answersto your secret questions if your account uses them. They don’t have to match the questions (you might say your mother’s maiden name is “Microsoft”, for example); all that matters is that the answers you give during a future account recovery match the answers you set...
"From" spoofing is how spammers send email that looks like it comes from you that you had nothing at all to do with. I'll look at how it's done.
I thought today might be a good day to have a little discussion about past experiences with how bad security in IT infrastructure is in the modern age. Over the years I have discovered and even gotten in trouble for discovering vulnerabilities in network configurations/equipm...
Two weeks later, we still hadn’t heard from them, so we went back only to find out that they had not been able to read my marital status out of the papers I gave them, and they had somehow lost the phone number we provided. Oh well. At the beginning of February, the papers were...
you will usually find that her parents are EVEN BETTER at cooking and I can tell you, I’ve gone to my girlfriend’s house on Chinese New Year and it’s amazing, I end up leaving 3kgs heavier.Well, I’m off to impregnate my girlfriend, until next time…...
But then preparefor the day you need it: save it somewhere — perhaps in the notes accompanying the entry for that account in a password vault like LastPass. That way, as random and impossible to remember as it is, you’ll always be able to find it when you need it. ...
While you’re at it, find someone who can help you set up a more secure system for your email and advise you on the steps you need to take to prevent this from happening again. Then follow those steps. The reality is thatyou and I are responsible for our own security. That means ta...