Best option is to use our free tool to find your sitemap. Just create an accounthereand you will be able to use our advanced sitemap finder. This tool will crawl your website and if you have an existing sitemap, you will be able to view & download it. If a sitemap doesn’t exist,...
Let's dive right into what you came here for: how to find website bugs. We're also throwing in some tips on how to plan and prioritize a fix. Skip to what you need, or start from the top: Watch session recordings to uncover issues across user journeys Review heatmaps of key pages...
They’re far more likely to abandon and find another website (organisation) that makes it easy. Great navigation should act as a simple to follow map from landing page through to task completion. Using a research tool like Reframer can allow you to test how users complete tasks ...
Sitemaps are more than just decorative, they play a significant part in your website’s SEO and understanding how to create a site map is an essential skill that can significantly enhance your web presence. Detailing your content andsite structurethrough a sitemap makes it easier for people and...
Here we’ll map out the main points to consider during your research. Conduct Market Research By conducting market research, you can identify trends and opportunities in your market. You can learn about your competitors, understand your industry’s evolution, and find gaps or niches your website...
Design customization:Whether you’re a seasonedweb designeror are still learning how to design a website, you’ll find that Wix offers different creative routes for everyone.One option is the Wix Editor, whose drag-and-drop technology andWYSIWYGsoftware gives you complete design freedom. Each ele...
If you don’t find enough options, there are more ways to find or create your own map theme: Snazzy Maps— Thousands of free themes that you can import to Atlist. Here’s ashort videodemonstration. Stylist— A simple, free tool for creating custom map themes. ...
How do you find all pages existing on a website? The first idea that comes to mind is to google the site’s domain name. But what about URLs that fail to get indexed? Or orphan pages? Or web cache? Finding all the pages on a website is pretty easy; however, it requires some...
While search engines crawl the web to find new content automatically, we recommend that you manually submit your website to them. This will give them a clear roadmap to your content so that it appears in relevant search results faster. ...
When considering how to promote your website, a good practice is to create a free blog to bolster your SEO and increase your site’s rank on search engines. Blogging and content marketing in general makes it easier for people to find your site and discover your business. On top of that,...