Sci-Hub 官网: Sci-Hub 替代网址: 如果第一个不可用,那就试试第二个网址:,一般是可用的。 以上两个网址都挂了,现在可用的是 另外研友@殷晗钧还推荐了一个可用网址:也可用 以上域名...
根据题干关键词Sci-Hub定位到第四段。该段第二句提到“The success of Sci-Hub,….have themselves legally accessed,shows the legal ecosystem has lostlegitimacy among its users and must be transformed so that it works for all participants”,即这表明法律生态系统在其用户中已经失去了合法性,必须进行...
[解析]通过题目关键词Sci-Hub可以定位到文章第四段,“the most drastic,...the emergence of Sci-Hub, ...offer access to every paywalled article...The success...shows the legal ecosystem works for all participants.”成立于2012年的Sci-Hub是一家全球科学论文复印商,声称可以访问自2015年以...
Note: You need to get the right access to download a ScienceDirect paper without limitation. So, when you are asked to unlock your access before you can download articles from ScienceDirect just follow the steps below. Go toSci-hub.seand leave the tab open. Go to the “ScienceDirect” h...
The entire pipeline run on the high-performance computing (HPC) cluster at the data center of Engineering D.HUB in Pont-Saint-Martin, which is equipped with CPU and GPU computational nodes. The code to run the entire pipeline is available at:
You’ll find that, particularly in good papers, the majority of the results are summarized in the figures and tables. Pay careful attention to them! You may also need to go to the Supplementary Online Information file to find some of the results. ...
Sci-Fi book series where a man awakens to find his brain inside a space probe launched into space What does \\ do in the Large environment? If a unitary operator is close to the identity, will it leave any state it acts on unchanged? How is Agile model more flexible than the Wat...
Tips to increase the motivation to study Find relatable “hooks” in your study material so you care about the material. Look for relevance in your material so you know it will be useful. Ask someone passionate about a subject you dislike why they like it; it shifts your perspective. ...
尤其是在备考的后期,利用好这些考试的历年真题,可以帮助我们更全面的提升考研英语水平。因此小编为大家整理了考研英语真题以及对应的答案解析,供大家参考。下面让我们一起来看看“28. How does the author feel about the success of Sci-Hub?”。 28. How does the author feel about the success of Sci-Hub?
How to Start a Laboratory Supply Business January 30, 2024 by Acey A Gaspard Main Sections In This Post Steps To Starting A Laboratory Supply Business Points to Consider Knowledge Is Power Featured Video In this post, you’ll find a step-by-step guide to starting a laboratory supply business...