How to Check Red Hat Linux (RHEL) Version The installed version of Red Hat can be checked using thecommand lineandGUI(if present on the server). The following sections introduce five methods to check the Red Hat version installed on the system. Method 1: Use hostnamectl The primary functio...
Even though package management has become easier with the help of graphical package managers, some users always prefer the command line way. There are different commands to find out the package version in different flavors of Linux. Today, in this tutorial, we will be seeing how to find a pa...
How to see all the kernel modules installed on the system? What are the kernel module utilities in Red Hat Enterprise Linux? Where to find additional documentation on kernel modules and their utilities? How to identify tainted third party modules? How to manually load a kernel driver? Resolution...
Knowing the exact kernel version or OS version is sometimes necessary while troubleshooting an issue or providing information to the support team. This post will assist you to determine the OS and kernel version of the CentOS or RHEL system you are running. There are 2 major things to check w...
RHEL/Centos 7.xand 8.xwith LVM Note If your original VM includes Logical Volume Manager (LVM) on the OS Disk, create the rescue VM by using the image with raw partitions on the OS Disk. Stop or deallocate the affected VM. Create a rescue VM image of the same OS version in the sam...
hostnamectl command is also a part of the systemd package. Generally, this command is used to check and configure the hostname. However, you can also use it to check the version of your Linux OS. Similar to the above command, you can also find this command in every latest Linux ...
NOTE: For Satellite 6, if you would like to lock the RHEL minor version, you need to enable and sync the specific repository. For example, in order to lock the minor version toRHEL 7.8, enable and syncRed Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Server RPMs x86_64 7.8repository from the Satellite webui...
RHEL combines the Linux kernel with hundreds of industry-leading open-source projects into a distribution with a 10-year support lifecycle. Red Hat works with Azure and its other network partners to ensure compatibility across multiple architectures and deployment platforms....
How to Use and Execute PHP Codes in Linux Command Line How to Find MySQL, PHP, and Apache Configuration Files How to Test PHP MySQL Database Connection Using Script How to Run PHP Script as Normal User with Cron You have successfully installedPHP 8.4on yourRHEL 9system. You can now start...
Note:Distributions that have deprecatedifconfigencourage users to use theipcommand instead. To read more aboutip, seehow to use the IP command in Linux. Using the ifconfig Command Theifconfigcommand is versatile. Some of its capabilities are to: ...