The value of the resistance for the capacitor can be measured only when it is fully discharged so to discharge the capacitor just connect it to a resistor. For that, simply pluck out the capacitor from the circuit and connect the probes of the capacitor with the terminals of the resistor. ...
Once the inductor's field collapses, the capacitor has been recharged (but with the opposite polarity), so it discharges again through the inductor. This oscillation will continue until the circuit runs out of energy due to resistance in the wire. It will oscillate at a frequency that depe...
resistor (both of unknown values "C" and "R") connected in series and I'm given a time constant value T for the circuit and I can choose to feed any input voltage signal into the circuit (DC or AC power through "Vin"), how do I find the values of resistor R...
But large capacitors can hold quite a charge. You can find capacitors as big as soda cans that hold enough charge to light a flashlight for a minute or more. Even nature shows the capacitor at work in the form of lightning. One plate is the cloud, the other plate is the ground and ...
A resistance is a DC resistance, which can be measured with an ohmmeter. If there is a capacitor in the signal path we measure nothing. With a voice coil of a speaker we can measure a DC resistance. With a digital multimeter DMM resistances can be measured easily, but we cannot measure...
For a short thermistor the meter reading will be always zero. For an open thermistor the meter reading will be always infinity. This is only a rough test. For a perfect check up; you need some way to measure the temperature and the corresponding resistance reading must be according to the...
To check a motor capacitor, disconnect it from the motor and find its actual capacitance value, check its resistance, or measure its voltage by charging it.
The relationship between wattage, voltage and frequency is governed by circuit impedance. The impedance is a complex form of resistance. It's a combination of regular resistance and the reactive components. Reactive components frequency are dependent com
Before I start my questions, first I have to cite from Mr. Ken Kundert’s excellent paper “sc-filters - Simulating with Cadence SpectreRF” the following:“Usually, with switched-capacitor circuits, designers are interested in the discrete-time...
The heater power is closed loop controlled while the measurement is done, so that a nominal sensor internal resistance of Ri=80 Ohms (measured with 1 to 4 kHz) is reached, this corresponds to a sensor ceramic temperature of approx. 750°C when the sensor is new. The Precision Wideband ...