How to Manage a Short-Term Rental Baselane offers a banking platform designed with real estate investors in mind to easily collect revenue, maintain books and file taxes so you can focus on running your real estate investment business.
We actually run regular ads for our properties on Craigslist and happened to be running a group of ads for seller financing. A potential buyer contacted us and the more we got to talking, the more I realized that one of these new properties was much more appropriate for their needs and pr...
I’d find just over half of the sales that would be on the list later that day. This was worth it to me to get there first. I found some great items to resell on Thursdays that I knew would not be there on Friday. So, if you don’t have any garage sale leads, go...
Or, you can even approach prospective clients together as a much larger team. This will enable you tocharge higher ratesbecause the client is getting additional expertise with a whole team rather than just a solo freelancer. The benefits of doing this can be great for both you and your partn...
Open to all investors Returns on Investment: Real estate returns vary depending on the market and the type of properties involved. Generally speaking, you could earn between 7-12% using crowdfunding platforms. For example, Fundrise investors see an average return of 2.2% after one year. However...
When you've made your potential shopping list, figuring out the current selling price is easy. Just look up the item on Craigslist,eBay, and Amazon, or just about everywhere else online buyers and sellers come together to do business. Compare the sales price for each item with your estimated...
If you don’t have a real estate agent to list on the MLS and market your home, how the heck are you supposed to find interested parties to make offers? How are you going to make sure that qualified buyers actually see that your home is for sale?
“I got my first clients from browsing Craigslist ads. People think they need to hire an employee for bookkeeping. But, they can hire a contractor and spend less money with fewer errors in their system. From there, it was word of mouth.”– Sarah Williams, Bookkeeper By Trade (read more...
To promote the estate sale, you’ll want to use social media and Craigslist to post your announcement. Using photos of standout items is also an excellent strategy for drawing attention to your sale. In addition, you’ll need to post signs in prominent places around the neighborhood a few ...
Don't want to sell on Craigslist? Check out this list oftop selling appsto help you flip your items easily. Returns on Investment: Returns will vary depending on the business you choose. Your upfront investment can quickly turn into a steady income for services like cleaning or pet sitting...