Steaming razor clams is a great method for ensuring a tender, gently-flavoured result. Similar to cooking mussels and other clams, quick cooking is necessary to prevent the razor clam becoming tough and overcooked. Method 1 Prepare the clams, checking that they are clean and alive Bring 100...
Razor clamsare strange creatures - technically bivalves like regularclamsandmussels, their fine white flesh resemblessquidmore than some of its closer relatives. They live burrowed in the sand on sheltered beaches, and at low tide you may be able to spot the ‘keyhole’ openings to their burro...
You are unlikely to find razor clams from UK waters commercially available. The traditional, and environmentally catastrophic practice of dredging (or bottom dragging)for them is not permitted in UK waters (though sadly all sorts of other dredging is still legal). In the last 20 years or so e...
A popular, fast method of cooking razor clams is to place them under the grill - just make sure you keep an eye on the clams as they overcook quickly. Method 1 Prepare the razor clams, check that they are clean and alive 2 Place the razor clams on a baking sheet under a preheated...