The np.ceil() function rounds every value in the array to the nearest integer greater than or equal to the original value: Python >>> np.ceil(data) array([[-0., -2., -0., 1.], [ 1., 1., -0., 1.], [-0., -0., 1., -0.]]) Hey, that’s a new number! Negati...
被引量: 855发表: 1991年 Value Indices of Commercial Real Estate: A Comparison of Index Construction Methods The purpose of this paper is to shed light on the history of commercial property values over the past decade, and to compare different methods of construct... JD Fisher,DM Geltner,RB...
Using an inductive qualitative research design, based on multiple case studies of Italian SMEs, our study showed that ECF and RCF models help SMEs in acquiring the financial resources needed to internationalize and, at the same time, offer significant added value to their internationalization. Our ...
Five keys to success for new landlords in California– Helpful article by the California Apartment Association. How to find out who owns a property in California– Guide provided by a commercial real estate broker software company. California Building Maintenance Companies– List compiled by Crunchbase... In this digital space, I realized I needed to go the extra mile to be warm and approachable.I want to connect with people and I love to share advice. My personal website is my outlet for that and it’s also a place where people can quickly find out who I ...
In this section, we also find Fǎjīng’s judgment on this type of scriptures (“Nowadays [these scriptures] should be hidden away, in order to save the world from troubles” 今宜祕寢,以救世患; T. 55, No. 2146, p. 139a11–12). It is indeed interesting that Fǎjīng lists the ...
Once the benefit of a KT intervention is recognised, absorbed, and implemented [31], positive spillovers are likely with the ‘neighbourhood effect’ of peer influence [25], which can be targeted in specific areas to achieve impact [32]. The perceived value of participation and resulting impact...
A country’s GDP represents the final market value of all the products and services that a country produces in a single year. Another way to measure GDP is as the sum of four factors: consumer spending, government spending, net exports, and total investment. ...
value chain activities at the subsidiary level. Specifically, we contend that an MNE with a strong Industry 4.0 orientation will experience increased sales and purchase intensities within its GVC due to enhanced interfirm connectivity and business opportunities as well as the chance to specialize in ...
Using this powerful method, it is not necessary to find a match to a contrast matrix provided by the family of functions in R starting with the prefix contr. Instead, it is possible to simply define the hypotheses that one wants to test, and to obtain the correct contrast matrix for ...