Generally it is zero for the first 3 years. But to find our the SSV for any given year, you need to check with LIC as the details are not made available easily by LIC. You can even call the LIC customer care or if you have a LIC Office nearby, then you can visit the nearest br...
2.)Start saving with a proper asset allocation:You should be clear on the money value of your goals before starting any saving. The goal value should be inflation-adjusted. Try to use only those instruments which provide tax-free returns like PPF and equity (through mutual funds). If the ...
If you zeroed on toEquity Mutual Fundsthen you find that there are different types of schemes like large cap, mid cap, small cap, sector funds, theme funds etc. As small-cap funds invest in companies that are less stable than large-cap companies, the funds can be quite volatile infact i...
a part interest in an easily-understandable business whose earnings are virtually certain to be materially higher five, ten, and twenty years from now. Over time, you will find only a few companies that meet these standards—so when you see one that qualifies, you should buy a meaningful amo...
After First Year premium: ULIPs are very expensive product and bit tricky in its calculation. The expense varies anywhere from 20% to70% of first years premium.Do check the same and if you find those heavy expenses,say thanks to your Agent & get your insurance bond laminated so that not...
well that is not possible after death.Can a fraudster misuse a dead person’s Aadhaar number.The phone number owned by a dead person may get assigned to someone else six months after their death, but UIDAI will never find out that this phone number no longer belongs to that dead person....
Related article: Bemoneyaware’sHow to Nominate: Demat Account and PPF Having a nominee has no financial implication on the investor. Its advantage lies in the ease it brings to the transfer of benefits of the investment on the death of the investor. Have you nominated for bank account or ...