A simple method for curving grades isto add the same amount of points to each student's score. A common method: Find the difference between the highest grade in the class and the highest possible score and add that many points. If the highest percentage grade in the class was 88%, the ...
Find the set of values of m for which the line y = mx + 1 intersects the circle (x - 7)2 + (y - 5)2 = 20 at two distinct points. I understand the question and can find correct values of m for which they are true however can only come to a correct set...
Each serves a different function in the hope of determining important factors that should be emphasized, altered, or removed to improve the quality of the business. This process is done in the hope of reducing costs and/or increasing profits and revenues in the business or government....
In the profile section of the dialog, you’ll notice a plus symbol and the letter “X”. As you’re selecting profiles you may find that you selected the wrong profile. If that is the case, simply select the profile you want to remove, and click the “X” or remove button. If you...
Prove that if two secants to a circle from an external point are equal, then the intercepted chords are equal. How to find points on a unit circle Prove that the area included between two concentric circles of radii R and r is equal to \pi R^2 - \pi r^2 Prove that every rigid...
The result is of course not an assoziataive array, but you get precisely adjusted items along the path (all centerpoints are placed correct). Jürgen PalmeDid you find this post helpful? Feel free to Like this post.Did your question get successfully answered? Then click on the AC...
How to customise colours to specific things Rcpp can't find sugar functions Problem with "bnlearn" package & string elements table by reading with excel (or readxl...) Can't add images to R Markdown file R HELP! PSO Package - "Error during wrapup: incorrect number of dimensions...
For a given triangle, we deal with the circles tangent to the incircle and passing through two its vertices. We present some known and recent properties of the points of tangency and some related objects. Further we outline some generali... II Bogdanov,FA Ivlev,PA Kozhevnikov - 《Volume2...
When you work in a CAD program that doesn’t have a fillet command, the offset command could help you out. If you want to make an arc with a radius of 25 units, you can make an offset of the linear entities of 25 units and find the intersection point of those entities. Use that ...
Intersection of a line and a circle may result in0,1or2intersection points depending on their relative position. For example, the tangent to a circle touches the circle at one point only. Answer and Explanation:1 Ourobjectiveis to find how many times the liney=10intersects the given ...