If you answered yes to both of these questions, continue reading this Instructable. Finding intersection points using a TI-84 Plus is easy to do and faster than doing so by hand, so this is a useful skill to know if you need to save time or want to check your work. No special skills...
Look at the y-axis, or vertical axis, and find the value for which this intersection occurs. This value is the y-intercept. Compare the general equation of a line to the equation of the trend line. The general formula for a line is: y=mx+by=mx+b for which m is the slope, b ...
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To find the x-intercept, substitute y = 0 then solve. 0 = 10x - 12 12 = 10x x = 12 / 10 = 6/5. (or 1.2) Therefore, the x-intercept is 6/5. Since this equation is in the form y = mx + b, and b is the value of y at the y-intercept, you also know the y-intercep...
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