By understanding the capabilities and limitations of various NDI methods, engineers can develop effective inspection strategies for composite structures, ensuring their integrity throughout their service life. The integration of advanced technologies and AI-driven approaches is set to further enhance the acc...
The ID number in the dialog is the subcase number that you need to find in the log file. (In this example, it is subcase 22.) Increment Number The INCR number shown in the results is the increment number that you need to find in the log file. (In this example...
We use essential cookies to make sure the site can function. We also use optional cookies for advertising, personalisation of content, usage analysis, and social media. By accepting optional cookies, you consent to the processing of your personal data - including transfers to third parties. Some...
Flapping wings produce lift and thrust in bio-inspired aerial robots, leading to quiet, safe and efficient flight. However, to extend their application scope, these robots must perch and land, a feat widely demonstrated by birds. Despite recent progress,
Let’s Have a Conversation: Where do you find yourself in the process of letting your adult children go? Where are you on the journey to finding yourself in your sixties? Please share your thoughts below!
Wood, glass, plastic, ceramic, air, cotton -- these are all examples of materials in which electrons stick with their atoms. Because these atoms are so reluctant to share electrons, these materials can't conduct electricity very well, if at all. These materials are electrical insulators. Most...
// These end-effectors are average human-hand size to facilitate comfortable handclaps. The inlaid rubber protrudes beyond the hard plastic of the 3D-printed hand core to facilitate comfortable hand-to-end-effector contact that mimicks the sound of a human ...
to Arduino. Elevator (or to whatever you connected) should be in the neutral position. Open Serial Monitor (Ctrl + Shift + M) and set baud rate to 9 800. In the text box (on the left from Send button) you can write angle (in degrees) to which servo should move. Find the biggest...
Due to heterogeneity in different cancer types, the stratification of cancer patients is a major clinical challenge. It is also a key goal of precision medicine because it would facilitate targeted therapies [1]. Breast cancer (BC) is the world’s most diagnosed female tumor, with a high inci...
These two approaches were used to find the undesirable parts of the network traffic. Ultimately, the results that were obtained in this paper prove that the genetic algorithm is better suited to calculate the so-called survival curves. The authors of [28] perform intrusion detection in network ...