With social media in our faces constantly, you may find yourself comparing yourself to other people or families. However, when we stop and take the time to list out some amazing things in our own lives, it helps us to feel grateful; rather than spiteful. When you see all of the good i...
The size of the gift isn't what characterizes a philanthropist — nationally, an independent survey found that people in the lowest income brackets tend to donate as much or more than their higher-wage counterparts. According to the BBB Wise Giving Alliance, the average American household donates...
A prolific philanthropist, George Page donated money to fund the construction of several buildings aligned with institutions such as universities and children's hospitals, but no project captured his heart quite like the establishment of a museum dedicated to honoring and preserving the artifacts of ...
Are you a funder or philanthropist? Do you provide direct funding to the people you serve or financially support aligned organizations? Are you a boots on the ground activist organization? Do you organize protests or work in an overt way to raise awareness, amplify your cause, and force chang...
Bill Gates is a technologist, business leader, and philanthropist. In 1975, he cofounded Microsoft with his childhood friend Paul Allen; today is cochair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. He also launched Breakthrough Energy, an effort to commercialize clean energy and other climate-related...
develop a feel for the proper settings and where you want to focus. Looking at hyperfocal distances can help you develop that feel as well. So keep a hyperfocal distance chart handy. Don’t follow it slavishly, but refer to it now and then and I think you’ll find it a handy ...
If it’s open to everyone without limitation, you’ll likely find yourself subscribing to numerous mobile data plans in a month because you’re a data philanthropist and want to help others. How To Check Hotspot Code? To check the hotspot on your device, follow these steps: Go to your se...
Finally, see if there are additional sources of information you can sweep into your reporting. Check to see if the author’s institution is issuing a press release about the work; if this isn’t already posted on EurekAlert!, ask the author during the interview if they are preparing additio...
Moby is a musician, entrepreneur, activist, and philanthropist who is informally known as “the godfather of veganism.”
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