}privatevoidgetDirection(){//Getting the URLStringurl=makeURL(fromLatitude, fromLongitude, toLatitude, toLongitude);//Showing a dialog till we get the routefinalProgressDialogloading=ProgressDialog.show(this,"Getting Route","Please wait...",false,false);//Creating a string requestStringReques...
Blinder's article entitled 'Delta Functions in Spherical Coordinates and How to Avoid Losing Them: Fields of Point Charges and Dipoles.' Lost of the delta function at the origin; Ambiguous integrals; Spherical coordinate expressions of Laplacian....
(UMAP) was applied to project genomic datasets in low-dimensional Euclidean latent space. Here, we evaluated how different representations of the UMAP embedding can impact the analysis of breast cancer (BC) stratification. We projected BC RNA-seq data on Euclidean, spherical, and hyperbolic spaces...