From the area measurements using simple arithmetic it is simple to calculate the concentration of each component as a percent of the total. %A = [Latex]\frac{Area of Peak A X 100}{Total Areas of Peaks (A + B + C + D)}[/latex] ...
This wikiHow teaches you how to find the Relative Standard Deviation (RSD) of a range in Microsoft Excel. The formula you'll need to use is Open the Excel sheet that contains your data. Before you can find the RSD of a range, you'll need...
excel表格日期怎样才可以自动生成 打开【Excel】,选择【公式】-【日期与时间】-【DATE】,依次输入【年】、【月】、【日】,点击【确定】,选择【开始】-【填充】-【序列】,选择序列产生在为【列】,类型为【日期】,日期单位为【工作日】,输入需要的终止日期,点击【确定】。