To get a patent pending you need to file a provisional patent application with the USPTO and pay a fee ranging from $65-$260 depending on your business size.
To find patent status on PAIR, enter the patent information under "Select New Case." Here's what information you can find in PAIR: Bibliographic Data Basic information such as application number, filing date, inventor, patent status, invention title, and patent issue date and number Image File...
The patent-pending notice is meant to warn potential copycats that they may be sued if they copy the idea, if and when the patent is approved. It also establishes the fact that a patent application has been filed and thus would have priority over any application to patent a substantially id...
Patents are given to creators of original inventions. They are awarded by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. The USPTO maintains an extensive database of all patents issued from 1790 to the present day. The patent database is updated on a weekly basis, and you can go online to look ...
A PPA allows you to claim “patent pending” status for your invention and is less complex than applying for an RPA. An RPA entails the complete patent examination process, explored below. 7. Work with your patent examiner If your application is incomplete, the USPTO will notify you by mail...
This article describes the patent-pending, novel, low-cost approach to solving the parallax problem of combining images from separate visible and infrared optics. Background There are many reasons why visible images are generally sharper and clearer than infrared images. One is that visible ...
Oh yes, this is a bonus.MyFoundCast, a patent-pending technology, is the internet’s first lost and found service that allows you tocreate custom wallpaperand embed information into that wallpaper so when somebody finds your iPhone or iPod Touch they will know how to return it. All member...
Bank of America has not been involved in the preparation of the content supplied at unaffiliated sites and does not guarantee or assume any responsibility for their content. When you visit these sites, you are agreeing to all of their terms of use, including their privacy and security policies...
to use the “patent pending” language for one year. However, unless you file a non-provisional application, either first or within one year of the provisional patent application filed date, you will not be able to receive a patent on your product. For instance, once filed, a non-...
To find a patent attorney, use theUSPTO’s search directoryto find qualified help. 3. Do market research to see if there’s interest Also known as asking people whether or not they’d buy your product. Make sure to ask people that can be objective (mom and dad probably won’t be) so...